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Tonbridge man jailed after biting man's ear causing it to tear near River Medway

A Tonbridge man who bit another man's ear during an unprovoked attack has been jailed.

Kerry Hollens, formerly of Bradford Street, punched and bit the ear of a man who was out socialising in Tonbridge, near the River Medway, in June.

The 32-year-old, who was known to the men he attacked, approached the group the victim was with and grabbed a can of beer from him.

Kerry Hollens
Kerry Hollens

The group ignored him and he seemed to walk away, only to return 10 minutes later.

Upon returning Hollens picked up the victim’s hat and threw it into the river. He was told to go away and in response punched the victim in the chest.

As the victim fought back to defend himself, Hollens bit their left ear – causing it to tear at the top.

Hollens pleaded guilty to the assault and was sentenced at Maidstone Crown Court on Thursday, October 1. He was jailed for 20 months.

Following sentencing Kent Police successfully applied for a Criminal Behaviour Order.

"Hollens' behaviour was completely unacceptable and is something that Kent Police will not tolerate" - PC Jennine Hopper

The order contains the restrictions beneath and will be imposed on Hollens for five years.

Hollens is not allowed to:

  • Be in possession of an open container of alcohol in any public place, within the Alcohol Control Zone of Tonbridge; other than licensed premises.
  • Approach (either in person or verbally) and beg from any person.
  • Be under the influence of controlled drugs in a public place.
  • Go within 5 metres of Tonbridge Railway Station for any reason other than for lawful travel going to/from or through the station by train.

The defendant must also engage with a service that treats people for substance abuse.

PC Jennine Hopper, from the Tonbridge and Malling District's Community Safety Unit, said: "Hollens' behaviour was completely unacceptable and is something that Kent Police will not tolerate.

"I also welcome the court’s decision to place a criminal behaviour order on him. Hollens has continually proven himself to be a nuisance to people in Tonbridge town centre and I hope this helps stop his damaging behaviour when he is eventually released from prison."

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