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Compassionate Community Awards looking for care and residential home nominees from Maidstone

Carers and staff that have worked tirelessly to look after residents through isolation are being recognised.

The Compassionate Community Awards, which was created during the pandemic, is a collaboration between the Heart of Kent Hospice and Maidstone Borough Council (MBC), and is back again for its third year.

The Compassionate Community Awards are looking for carers who have gone above and beyond. Picture: Alexander Raths/Adobe
The Compassionate Community Awards are looking for carers who have gone above and beyond. Picture: Alexander Raths/Adobe

The category for care and residential homes is looking to recognise those that have worked exceptionally hard to maintain the wellbeing of residents, particularly when they couldn’t see their loved ones or have visitors.

Cllr Lottie Parfitt-Reid, lead member for communities and public engagement at MBC, said: "It's such an important thing, because it's about celebrating people in the community that go above and beyond.

"This was one of the main things that came out of the pandemic – it's brought back that sense of community spirit and about each of us looking out for our neighbour.

"I'm really looking forward to doing the judging to be honest."

Rachel Street, chief executive at the Heart of Kent Hospice in Aylesford, added: "It feels brilliant to be doing it again.

Entries are now open. Stock image
Entries are now open. Stock image

"People look out for one another because it is an important part of humanity and our culture.

"If we are compassionate to each other, it just makes everyone's lives a bit easier and better.

"With these awards, it doesn't have to be a massive thing that somebody has done to demonstrate their compassion for someone else – it could just be those really tiny things people do."

Last year, Eastfield Care Home was awarded for the compassion and resilience staff provided to residents. When Covid reached the home, several staff and carers decided to live-in.

Entries are now open and close at midnight on Wednesday, October 5.

Eastfield Care Home's team at the awards in 2021. Picture: Peter Cooper/MBC
Eastfield Care Home's team at the awards in 2021. Picture: Peter Cooper/MBC

To nominate an individual, group or organisation, in no more than 250 words, send in some examples of how they have demonstrated compassion, along with pictures, if possible.

Or you can send a three-minute video or voice recording telling us how they have supported their community. They must either live or work, or have a connection to the borough.

Other categories include compassion in a business or workplace; in a school or by a teacher; by a volunteer or a neighbour; or demonstrated by a young person or a community.

To find out more, and to nominate a group or individual click here.

The winners will be announced and awards presented on Tuesday, November 1, at Maidstone Town Hall.

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