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Thugs stab man with kitchen knife

A SHEET metal worker has told how he was viciously beaten and stabbed by intruders in a horrific attack at his home.

The 40-year-old was savagely beaten when he answered the door to two thugs in Luton Road, Chatham.

Police are now investigating the attack, which happened when he was alone in his flat between 10pm and 10.30pm last Wednesday. The victim, who does not want to be named for fear of reprisals, said: "Somebody rang at the door and when I answered these two men pushed their way in and beat me up and searched my home.

"They stabbed me with a kitchen knife and battered me with a table leg. It was all over in about five to 10 minutes and afterwards the floor was smothered in blood."

The victim was taken to hospital where he required 27 stitches. His injuries included two stab wounds to the right shoulder, a severely bruised upper arm, and two black eyes.

The thugs got away with two mobile phones worth a total value of £350, a wallet containing £200 cash and a large quantity of cigarettes. The two offenders are described as in their 30s, both about 6ft tall, with dark hair and wearing dark clothing.

Anyone with any information is asked to telephone Medway Police on 01634 884252.

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