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Businessman's body found 150ft down cliff

PAUL WARREN: he vanished on Friday, August 19.
PAUL WARREN: he vanished on Friday, August 19.

A BUSINESSMAN who had been missing for three weeks has been found dead.

The body of Paul Warren was found 150ft down a cliff at Capel le Ferne, near Folkestone, below the Clifftop Cafe, by police and coastguards.

His brother, Lindsay Warren, who lives in Hertfordshire, believes the businessman, who ran Bunnys Betting Shop in Canterbury, fell and was the victim of a tragic accident.

The brother, who put up more than 50 missing posters in Folkestone, in an effort to find Mr Warren, said: "I think it was just an accident. Paul was not a suicidal person."

Mr Warren said his brother would be missed by many people. He said: "He was happy go lucky. I don’t think he knew how many friends he had. He was a very likeable bloke."

Bunnys Betting Shop will remain open. The brothers were business partners.

Mr Warren went missing on Friday, August 19. Police were alerted after his Mercedes car was found abandoned at The Clifftop Cafe car park.

Mr Warren, of Westgate on Sea, had phoned his business earlier in the day to say he would be at work later, but he didn’t turn up. His mobile phone was found 50ft down the cliff.

Police and coastguards found the body following a phone called from the owners of The Clifftop Cafe. Police and the coastguard were at the scene for eight hours on Friday.

Deputy station officer at Folkestone Coastguard, John Marshall, said: "We worked with the police who had a line team there and they gathered evidence on the way down the cliff. We had to cut our way through to where the body was in undergrowth."

Mr Warren leaves behind a widow who lives in Westgate on Sea and a daughter who lives in Hertfordshire.

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