Miliband: recognise role of business in economy

Ed Miliband, Labour leader
Ed Miliband, Labour leader

by business editor Trevor Sturgess

Labour's new leader Ed Miliband has been urged to recognise the vital role of business in sorting out the economy.

Jo James, chief executive of Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce, said Mr Miliband, who today (28) makes his first conference speech as Labour leader, had the opportunity to formulate policies reflecting business wishes.

She said: "We now have a very interesting political situation, with the coalition government on one side, and a new Labour leader promising a different perspective in opposition.

"Both sides are proposing greater involvement and influence for the business community, but frankly we have yet to see any really positive movement in this direction.

"Ed Miliband has the opportunity to formulate policies reflecting the desires and needs of businesses in the fight to restore confidence and return to economic equilibrium.

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"Business will be the major force in restoring the economy. I very much hope Mr Milliband will take serious account of this factor. If he was to do so, and gain the approval of the business community, this would inevitably influence the coalition as well".

Meanwhile, the British Chambers of Commerce wants Mr Miliband to "re-connect" Labour with the business community as a matter of urgency.

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