Buzzlines appoints first general manager

PAUL FRANKLAND: "I will be actively contributing to the expansion of the business.”
PAUL FRANKLAND: "I will be actively contributing to the expansion of the business.”

BUZZLINES, the fastest growing coach operator in the South East, has appointed a general manager with more than 30 years experience in the business.

Paul Frankland, former general manager at London-based Redwing Coaches, is taking responsibility for day-to-day management of the 80-strong Buzzlines team, based at Lympne Industrial Park and Margate, and its fleet of more than 50 luxury vehicles.

Mr Frankland, who lives in Ashford, is the first general manager at Buzzlines and will be working closely with operations manager Gary Creasey and directors Nigel and Kathryn Busbridge.

He said: “Buzzlines is growing very rapidly, committed to maintaining a very high quality modern fleet and has an excellent reputation across its full range of services.

“As the company develops further there will be challenges ahead and I am determined to ensure Buzzlines is well positioned to meet all those challenges. I will be actively contributing to the expansion of the business.”

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