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Brazen fly-tippers dumped huge mounds of building waste in Luddesdown and Istead Rise within hours of each other

An appeal has been launched to track down brazen fly-tippers after separate mounds of rubbish were dumped near Gravesend within hours of each other.

Shocking pictures showed masses of building waste tipped in Oakenden Lane, Luddesdown.

Building waste tipped. Photo: Gravesham council
Building waste tipped. Photo: Gravesham council
Huge amounts of waste were found dumped in Oakenden Lane. Photo: Gravesham council
Huge amounts of waste were found dumped in Oakenden Lane. Photo: Gravesham council

The incident was reported yesterday and saw huge sacks spewing out onto the carriageway posing a serious risk to motorists.

Then less than 24 hours later another large quantity of commercial waste – possibly from a pub renovation – was discovered dumped nearby in Downs Road, Istead Rise.

An appeal has been launched by Gravesham council to catch the culprits.

It says environmental crime officers are investigating both offences and is urging anyone with information to get in touch.

Cllr Shane Mochrie-Cox, cabinet member for community and leisure, said: “Offences such as these are totally unacceptable and have a hugely negative impact on the natural environment and our rural communities.

"The location of both these offences demonstrates that those responsible have contempt for the law, the environment and the area in which we live.

"Our environmental enforcement team rely heavily on the support of the public to bring environmental criminals to justice.

"We ask you to be vigilant when travelling in areas where fly tipping regularly occurs and report any suspicious activity to our team. Any information would be followed up by an officer and treated in strict confidence.

"Only by working together can we tackle the blight of fly tipping ”

If you saw anything suspicious please call the Environmental Enforcement Team on 01474 337262 or email environmental.enforcement@gravesham.gov.uk

For any information relating to fly-tipping offences or if you have concerns regarding waste carriers, please email tipoff@gravesham.gov.uk

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