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'Barbaric' detention of asylum seeker

Hussaini Begum fled India three years ago
Hussaini Begum fled India three years ago

AN ASYLUM seeker who fled to Dover to escape rape and domestic violence has been suddenly detained by immigration officials, in a move described as "barbaric".

Hussaini Begum fled India three years ago, claiming she was a victim of rape and forced into marriage.

The campaign to keep her in the UK centred on the fact that under Indian culture as a divorced woman with a "shameful" past, she would be extremely vulnerable.

Her application for asylum had failed, but with the support of the Kent Campaign to Defend Asylum seekers, politicians, including MP Diane Abbott, were alerted to her plight and the campaign.

But all hopes were cruelly dashed on Wednesday morning, when Hussaini, who is a student at Canterbury College, reported to Frontier House Immigration Centre in Folkestone, for her weekly meeting.

She was detained with no chance to say goodbye or explain to her supporters what was happening.

Dover resident, Pam Brivio, who supports Hussaini’s campaign said: "It is nothing short of barbaric. I was with Hussaini at the centre and she was in good spirits and she went in as normal.

"Other people who went in to report after her started coming out and we started to get a bit worried.

"The next thing we knew, a white van was driven around the side of the building and we could see Hussaini in there, shouting at us and trying to bang on the door.

"All she has got with her are the clothes she was wearing."

Mrs Brivio believes Hussaini has been taken TO Yarlswood Cetention Centre in Bedfordshire and could be deported over the weekend.

Kent Campaign to Defend Asylum Seekers has contacted Dover MP Gwyn Prosser, as a matter of urgency. Mr Prosser also supported the Hussaini Must Stay campaign.

The campaign has seen vigils take place outside churches and public buildings in Dover, Deal and Canterbury and thousands of people signing her petition.

A giant Christmas card, with supporters’ signatures was sent to Immigration minister, Tony McNulty and in March, Hussaini met MP Diane Abbott to raise awareness of the plight of women asylum seekers escaping rape and violence.

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