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Police issue CCTV after thieves target shoppers at Aldi, Asda and Wilkinsons in Swanley

Police have issued CCTV images of two men they want to speak to after thieves stole purses and mobile phones from shoppers in Swanley.

There have been nine reports of items being stolen from handbags and shopping trolleys in the three of the town's stores last Tuesday, January 17, between midday and 3pm.

Five of the thefts took place at Aldi in St Mary's Road, another three at Asda in London Road, and one at Wilkinsons in Swanley Shopping Centre.

Police believe this man could help with their investigation. Picture: Kent Police
Police believe this man could help with their investigation. Picture: Kent Police

Officers investigating the incidents have warned people to stay on their guard to reduce the risk of falling victim to thieves while out and about.

Sergeant Ian Jones, from the Sevenoaks Community Safety Unit, said: "Offences like this are opportunistic and there are some simple measures shoppers can take to help deter thieves.

"This includes not leaving anything containing valuables unattended, even if it is on top of a pram, shopping trolley or mobility scooter. Using a purse chain or lanyard may also help prevent incidents of this nature."

Officers also want to speak to this man. Picture: Kent Police
Officers also want to speak to this man. Picture: Kent Police

Anyone who recognises the men in the CCTV images, or who has any other useful information, should call police on 01622 604100, quoting YY/1498/17, or contact Kent Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

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