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Herne Bay campaigner Jo Cleary receives death threats after setting up anti-demo Facebook group

Jo Cleary, campaigner against Wootten Bassett protester Anjem Choudary
Jo Cleary, campaigner against Wootten Bassett protester Anjem Choudary

A mum protesting against the planned extremist march through Wootton Bassett says she has now received death threats.

Jo Cleary, 43, from Broomfield, set up a Facebook group attacking the campaign after radical group Islam4UK announced plans to parade through the town with empty coffins to symbolise the Muslims ‘mercilessly murdered’ in Iraq and Afghanistan.

After the story appeared on this website earlier this week, she has been sent an email making threats against her life. Threats have also been sent to fellow campaigner Lucy Aldridge, whose 18-year-old son Will was killed in Afghanistan. It’s thought the threats are from an anti-racism group, rather than a Muslim organisation.

Mum-of-four Jo said: “The threat came through on an email. It was quite handy as I was actually talking to the police at the time, so they have the email now.

“Special Branch are involved and have offered me full protection.

“It beggars belief someone could be of the mindset where they think it’s acceptable to threaten a mum who buried her 18-year-old soldier son six months ago.”

Jo, who runs a support group for soldiers and their families, said she is not scared by whoever is behind the threats. “I’m not going to stop because of them. The most they’ve probably worn is a school uniform. The day they don a uniform and fight for Queen and country and then come back and have ago at me, then I’ll listen, but don’t sit with a monitor and a keyboard and expect me to feel frightened.”

Hate preacher Anjem Choudary provoked outrage after announcing 500 hard-line members of Islam4UK would march on Wootton Bassett - a town renowned for honouring Britain’s fallen troops.

Since his outburst photographer Jo has appeared on www.kentishgazette.co.uk, on Sky News, GMTV, BBC, ITV and even CNN expressing her views about the stunt.

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